Read it to get a picture of the ideal CK session.

‘CeilidhKids offers a great opportunity for those with young children and an interest in Scottish culture.’
‘Fun to satisfy all ages rarely comes… with such
delightful enthusiasm from those running the show, so pop in and ceilidh your woes away.’
A Flavour of CeilidhKids - what is it really like?
When it goes well, it goes like this… *
*Please note that the review and the video clip feature both adults and children participating with enthusiasm. If the children are 5 years old or younger and the adults don’t get up and dance with them, we cannot guarantee success, only noise and confusion…
CK on You Tube!
Click here for a short video clip on You Tube of some of our happy CeilidhKids 
families dancing Circassian Circle at our 
5th birthday party in February 2012.
CK on You Tube!
Click here for a short video clip on You Tube of some of our happy CeilidhKids
families dancing Circassian Circle at our
5th birthday party in February 2012.
This picture by Ruth Armstrong Photography